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Looking for God is an introduction to God and His desire for to draw all people unto Himself. Trusting God is a key part to getting to know Him and understanding the Bible.
Prayer is a key ingredient to approaching God and His Word. Ask God to guide your thinking and enlighten you as you proceed. Feel free to send a prayer request to a Gideon member in your area through the contact page.
The bible helps are set out in this website and in the Gideon Bibles. They are key Bible helps that readers have found useful in growing in understanding of God's word and in spiritual maturity.
The Gideon Bible reading plan is to assist in reading through the Bible in one year.
If you hae any questions do send a message to a Gideon member in your area through the contact page.
We want to make sure that when people turn to the Bible for help, they can easily find the guidance they need, especially if they’ve never read the Bible before. At the front of all Gideon-placed Bibles is a section called Bible Helps, which informs readers where to find verses on meaningful topics: